Ingredients | g/L |
Agar | 12.00 |
Lactose | 10.00 |
Peptic digest of animal tissue | 10.00 |
Casein enzymatic hydrolysate | 10.00 |
Sucrose | 10.00 |
Sodium chloride | 5.00 |
Yeast extract | 3.00 |
Beef extract | 3.00 |
Dextrose | 1.00 |
Ferric ammonium citrate | 0.30 |
Sodium thiosulphate | 0.30 |
Phenol red | 0.024 |
*Dehydrated powder, hygroscopic in nature, store in a dry place, in tightly-sealed containers below 25°C and protect from direct Sunlight.
Instructions for Use
Dissolve 65.0g in 1000ml distilled water. Gently heat to boil with gentle swirling and dissolve the medium completely. Distribute into test tubes. Sterilize by autoclaving at 10 psi (115°C) for 15 minutes. Allow the medium to cool at room temperature for preparing the slants.
Appearance: Pinkish – red colour, clear to slightly opalescent gel in slant position in screw cap tubes
pH (at 25°C): 7.4 ± 0.2
TRIPLE SUGAR IRON AGAR is used for confirmation of gram negative enteric bacilli on basis of dextrose, lactose and sucrose fermentation and H2S production.
The ingredients included in the medium such as, Peptic digest of animal tissue, Casein enzymatic hydrolysate, Beef extract and Yeast extract provide the nitrogen, carbon, and vitamins required for organism growth.
Triple Sugar Iron Agar consists of three carbohydrates, Dextrose, Lactose and Sucrose. When the carbohydrates are fermented, acid production is detected by the Phenol Red pH indicator. Sodium thiosulphate is reduced to hydrogen sulphide, and hydrogen sulphide reacts with an iron salt yielding the typical black iron sulphide. Ferric ammonium citrate is the hydrogen sulphide (H2S) indicator.
Sodium chloride maintains the osmotic balance of the medium. Agar is used as a solidifying agent. Inoculating the microorganisms on the slants prepared in test tubes for the amount of 103 cfu/ml, observed on incubation period at 37°C after 24 hours has shown good growth in all bacteria tested only with the gas production (H2S) in Proteus vulgaris and Salmonella typhimurium.
Microbiological parameters (Growth promotion test)
Cultural characteristics observed after inoculation (103CFU/ml) and incubation at 37°C for 18 – 24 hours.
Test strains | ATCC | Inoculum (CFU/ml) | Growth | Butt /Slant/Gas / H2S |
Escherichia coli | 25922 | 103 | Luxuriant | Yellow/Yellow/+/- |
Proteus vulgaris | 13315 | 103 | Luxuriant | Yellow & Black/Yellow/-/+ |
Salmonella typhimurium | 14028 | 103 | Luxuriant | Yellow & Black/Red/+/+ |
Shigella flexneri | 12022 | 103 | Luxuriant | Yellow/Red/-/- |
- Colour changes to red due to alkalinity.
- Colour changes to yellow due to acid production.
- Colour changes to yellow and gas is produced.
- Blackening due to H2S production.
- + = positive reaction
- – = negative reaction
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